Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hi, my name is Chloe, but my nickname is Lizzie. I want to start helping the environment and each week, I will do one thing that helps save the world. Whether it will be to make sure all the lights are off at night, or just to stop using plastic. I will try to blog about it on a weekly basis. My ultimate goal is to just be a good citizen to the Earth and to influence people to do the same.
Thank you for reading!
~Buh Bai!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lizzie,

    You are so good by going green and starting from small. Every little thing counts. With so much pollution, our Planet Earth needs all her citizens to go green to save her...

    I will start by turning off my computer over night, by turning off water when I brush, and by using reusable shopping bags for my grocery.

    You are my hero!
